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Illustrations and gifts

for cat lovers

Bright colors and funny cats will make you happier!

A home for cats and cat lovers

Hey there, welcome to a world of vibrant colours and adorable cats! 

My name is Bobbi, and I am the artist behind these illustrations. I’m also a passionate animal lover and cat rescuer. I live at Cat Cottage, a cosy countryside home, where I draw and rescue cats. Currently, there are 22 adorable felines residing here! 

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Welcome to Cat Cottage Design!

A home for cats and cat lovers

Hey there, welcome to a world of vibrant colours and adorable cats! 

My name is Bobbi, and I am the artist behind these illustrations. I’m also a passionate animal lover and cat rescuer. I live at Cat Cottage, a cosy countryside home, where I draw and rescue cats. Currently, there are 22 adorable felines residing here! 

I’ve experienced the healing power of cats firsthand, and I know how much joy they bring into our lives. As an artist, I’m also aware of how colours can affect our moods. That’s why I opened this store – to offer a unique place for fellow cat lovers like you to enjoy the beauty of cats and colours and realize your dreams of having as many cats as you want! 

Our motto is simple – “There is no such thing as too many cats!” Here, you’ll find a wide variety of apparel, illustrations, and gifts for cat lovers of all ages. These designs will add some feline attitude to your life and remind you of just how much fun it is to have cats around.

 What’s more, every purchase you make contributes towards rescuing more cats and providing them with the care they need. It’s a win-win situation – you get to add some fun and colours into your life while supporting a great cause. 

Let your inner child run free and immerse yourself in the colourful world of these illustrations. You’ll have playful apparel and accessories while joining me on my mission to help cats in need.

Welcome to Cat Cottage Design!

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Illustrations and gifts for cat lovers

Meet the team

Bobbi the Illustrator

Illustrations and gifts for cat lovers
She is an animal rights advocate and long-time rescuer who has been drawing since before she could walk and has always shared her life with pets.

Tommaso the CEO

Better known as Tommy, he has a keen eye for high-quality salmon kibbles and prefers the most expensive ones. He’s an expert at napping under the covers and sometimes types out content by walking on the keyboard.

Unique illustrations and gifts for cat lovers

If you are searching for something unique, look no further!

All drawings are originals by me, Bobbi

I'm the artist behind every illustration, you won't find them anywhere else.

I always paint with one of my cats on the desk

They are my helpers, my main inspiration and company.

I draw cats to save cats

Every purchase helps me to save more, spay, neuter, and find them new forever homes.

Watch me paint.

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